apparent motion

美 [əˈpærənt ˈmoʊʃn]英 [əˈpærənt ˈməʊʃn]
  • 网络视运动;表观运动;似动;似动现象;似动运动
apparent motionapparent motion


an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object
the cinema relies on apparent motion
the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement
Synonym: motion apparent movement movement


  1. The effect of form identity on visual apparent motion


  2. To investigate the effect of form identity on visual apparent motion , several single letters were used as stimuli in the experiment .


  3. On The Apparent Motion of Rapidly Moving Particle


  4. The Altitude Ratio of a Celestial Body in its Diurnal Apparent Motion


  5. Research on Auditory Apparent Motion in Multiple-Noise Source Way


  6. The length of the year , in fact , is determined from this apparent motion of the sun among the stars .


  7. Compared with position tracking method , circular orbit tracking method is not influenced by the unevenness of apparent motion and has highly tracking precision .


  8. Apparent motion of planets and exterior trochoid


  9. The first experiment tested the effect of stimulus duration and ISI on auditory apparent motion in the horizontal plane and multiple-noise source way .


  10. Optical flow field is referred to the apparent motion of image brightness patterns . It can be obtained by adding constraints to solve the optical flow constraint equation .


  11. Our computer simulating results indicate that this model can well explain the psychophysical experiments of hyperacuity in three conditions : spatial comparison , real motion and apparent motion .


  12. Due to the difference between real motion and apparent motion and the existence of the aperture and the occlusion problem , it seems difficult to obtain the precise motion field .


  13. Using a simplified model ( revolution of planets round the sun are uniform circular motions in a plane ), the apparent motion of planets relative to the earth is analyzed .


  14. The first experiment tested the effect of ISI and numbers of stimulus sources on auditory apparent motion when stimulus duration was 50ms under binaural and monaural listening conditions .


  15. With apparent motion of tactual sense applied , the device gives the patient the ability to perform biofeedback in tactile and visual ways , and thus makes the patient more relaxed than other cases .


  16. Therefore , it is possible to obtain the sunrise time and the day length of any point in the shading region graphically or numerically , with the apparent motion locus of the sun and the above calculation of the corresponding point .


  17. The concept of optical flow arises from studies of biological visual systems , which describes the apparent motion observed in a sequence of images . A displacement field can approximately characterise an optical flow field , which takes into account the projection from 3D to 2D image plane .


  18. A note on apparent superluminal motion in radio sources


  19. The motion of the airplane also adds or subtracts at bit from this apparent object motion .


  20. He considered that it was caused by the non-uniformity of the apparent annual motion of the sun .


  21. A Relativistic Superluminal Model of Apparent Superluminal Motion
